Could your dog be a lifesaver?
Every unit of blood helps save up to four other lives, saving thousands of lives every year. By joining our community of lifesaving donors, you are ensuring blood will always be available for dogs when they need it.
Did you know...?
Dogs have blood types, just like humans - DEA1 Positive and DEA1 Negative.
The DEA1 Negative blood type can be given to all dogs in case of emergency and so we're always on the look out for dogs who are more likely to have this blood type (but not exclusively - every donated drop counts!)
According to Pet Blood Bank UK ( 30% of dogs eligible to donate in the UK have the DEA1 Negative blood type. See below a list of the breeds more like to have this type.
Airedale Terrier American Bulldog
Basset Hound Bearded Collie
Border Collie Boxer
Curly Coated Retriever Dobermann
Dogue de Bordeaux English Bull Terrier
Flat Coated Retriever German Shepherd
Greyhound Lurcher
Saluki Old English Sheepdog
Which dogs can donate?
For your dog to become a lifesaver they must be happy to be handled and comfortable going to the vets. Dogs who are confident with new people and getting lots of attention make great donors! In addition:
Fit and healthy
Between one and eight years old
Weigh more than 25kg
Have a good temperament
Have never travelled outside of the UK and Ireland
Vaccinated or have an annual titre test after the first year booster
Not on any medication
If you think your dog could be a lifesaver, why not call your local branch and we can get in touch with you. Thank you