In an emergency call your usual branch number or 01288 359500
The best veterinary care - 24/7, 365 days of the year
We are able to see emergency cases any time of the day or night by offering our own 24-hour service every day of the year.
If you need help outside of normal working hours, please call 01288 359500 or the telephone number of your normal Penbode branch. The call will be answered and then passed to a Veterinary Surgeon who will assess your animal's situation.
If your pet requires an emergency appointment outside of normal working hours, then it is likely that you will be seen at our Stratton surgery, where we have facilities and staff available at all times. It also means that if your pet needs to be hospitalised then this can be done with the confidence that they will receive constant monitoring.
We have three dedicated farm vets on call every day of the year. This ensures you will be seen by a vet as soon as conceivably possible. If you are able to transport the animal (for example if it is a lambing emergency), you may choose to meet the on call vet at one of our lambing bays in Camelford, Bradworthy or Holsworthy.
A member of our team of friendly, knowledgeable equine only vets is on call every night if your horse, pony or donkey should become injured or ill.