Flock Health Scheme
Our popular Flock Health Club brings together flocks large and small from across our practice. Regular meetings as well as bespoke advice from a member of our sheep team mean that your flock
Annual Membership Benefits
· Flock Health Plan and annual review
- Specifically tailored for your flock by your dedicated sheep vet
- Red Tractor compliant
· Two six-monthly flock prescription checks
- Gives you an opportunity to discuss any issues you may be experiencing with your flock with your dedicated sheep vet
- Allows us to continue to prescribe veterinary products for your flock Usually £28.25*
· 10x mob faecal egg counting
- Can be used throughout the year to assess the parasite burden of groups of lambs or ewes. Treatment and management decisions can then be made using the results
Usually £15.61* per sample.
· Club talks and events
- Exclusive quarterly meetings and discussions
· Members who pay by Direct Debit also receive 15% discount off drug sales
· Annual membership for just £15*/month
· Contact your usual branch to join the Penbode Flock Health Club or for more information on switching to a Direct Debit account
*Ex VAT #terms and conditions apply