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This website was created by VetPartners UK
Harriet Bristow

Harriet Bristow

Head Equine Administrator


Orginally from Buckinghamshire, Harriet moved to Devon in 2018. She graduated from Aberystwyth University in 2016. Harriet has always had a very keen interest in equine sports horse breeding, holding her aritifical insemination qualification and has been very lucky to work with a number of competition stallions over the years. She's ridden since she was four years old and reguarly competes her own horses (chestnut mares!) in showjumping and dressage, but also loves a good blast on the beach. When not working with or riding horses Harriet can sometimes be found helping with calves and milking on her partner's family farm or out walking with their cocker spaniel. A true action woman! As well as riding, she also skis, runs and enjoys travelling. In 2013 she was lucky enough to go and work on a panda reserve for a few weeks in China.

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