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This website was created by VetPartners UK
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Find out more about why providing top quality veterinary care means so much to us.

An introduction to the people who will be caring you and your pet when you visit our practice.



Microchipping is a legal requirement for all dogs over the age of eight weeks. We also provide microchipping for cats and other small animals.

Flea and worm treatment

Flea and worm treatment

We can advise on and provide the best products and routines to keep your pet healthy, happy and free from pests.



Castration and spaying for your pet, as well as advice on when and why to perform them.

In house lab

In house lab

We can analyse our own tests in practice, saving time for you and your pet.

Routine and Emergency Surgery

Routine and Emergency Surgery

We have modern facilities and many years of experience performing soft tissue and orthopaedic surgeries on small animals.

Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye

It is always a sad and difficult experience to lose a pet. Making the decision to put a pet to sleep is tough.



We provide all of your dog, cat and other small animal’s vaccinations, including yearly boosters and starter courses for young and rehomed pets.

Dental care

Dental care

Dental care is an important element of pet health, and we have experienced vets and nurses, as well as top facilities including dental x-ray equipment.



We believe that regular health check-ups are important for the long-term health and welfare of all pets.

Pet Travel Certificates

Pet Travel Certificates

Travel advice and preparation, to help you and your pet enjoy trips abroad safely and with peace of mind.

In-house diagnostics

In-house diagnostics

In-house diagnostic facilities to help us to speedily diagnose potential issues in our patients, including ultrasound, digital radiography and blood pressure monitoring equipment.


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