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This website was created by VetPartners UK

Zoe Oatway RVN
Registered Veterinary Nurse - Head Nurse
Zoe joined Woodcroft Veterinary Group in 1996 on a YTS scheme and qualified as an RVN in 2000. During her time at Woodcroft she has worked within all of the practices and various disciplines but moved to Councillor Lane when it opened in 2012. Here she holds the position of Head Nurse alongside Annie.
After working within the Orthopaedic department Zoe developed an interest in Rehabilitation and has gained qualifications in Canine Rehab and Hydrotherapy. After 25 years in the profession Zoe loves that there is always something new to learn.
In her spare time she enjoys walking, running and caravanning with her family, including her 3 children and sausage dog Slinky!
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