James Farrell
BVetMed CertSAS MRCVS RCVS Advanced Practitioner Managing Clinical Director
James qualified from the Royal Veterinary College, London in 1998, gained the RCVS Certificate in Small Animal Surgery in 2007 and was listed as an RCVS Advanced Practitioner in 2015, demonstrating his abilities to date, and an ongoing commitment to further development of his skills and clinical evaluation amongst his peers.
James gained extensive experience in trauma cases involving skin reconstruction and fracture repair during his five years at the PDSA charity before moving back into private practice where he began to accept referrals. Therefore, he is acutely aware of the pressures facing referring vets in busy practices and is always happy to chat informally about cases you require advice on, or that may be suitable for referral. The extent of case follow up and support can be tailored to your individual needs and desires as the referring vet.
His special interests include canine cruciate ligament disease, ear surgery, management of aggressive tumours (surgical and chemotherapy) and minimally invasive surgery. The latter gives clients worried about major surgery a ‘keyhole’ option, providing the opportunity to examine the abdomen or thorax, obtaining video evidence of abnormalities within and performing biopsies of major organs for diagnosis without the need for full exploratory surgery.
In addition, from early on in his career, James has had a passion for teaching. He was a clinical teaching associate for the Nottingham Vet School between 2010 and 2012, supervising final year vet students’ surgery and continues to provide CPD for vets and nurses in practice. So if your practice has a surgical topic they would like covered in an evening session, please feel free to contact James. He also writes a monthly column for a dog magazine.
At home, James and his wife, Ruth, enjoy a busy time with their family of three children, three dogs, three cats, two tortoises.